Modification of cement-sand matrixes with redispersible powder.

  • V. O. Kovalenko Institute of water problems and land reclamation NAAS


The results of studies of the rheological properties of the cement-sand mixtures and physico-mechanical properties of the cement-peschanoyh solutions modified redispersible polymer powder as materials for the repair and restoration of concrete hydraulic structures Water Management and reclamation complex

Author Biography

V. O. Kovalenko, Institute of water problems and land reclamation NAAS



1. Kovalenko O.V. Vplyv poroshkovogo polіkarboksylatnogo superplastyfіkatora Sіka VіskoKret 225 na vlastyvostі cementno-pіschanogo rozchynu / O.V. Kovalenko, A.O. Ageyev // Melіoracіya і vodne gospodarstvo.–2014.–Vyp.101.- S.342-353.
2. Kovalenko O.V. Vplyv mіkrokremnezemu Elkem Microsilica na vlastyvostі cementno-pіschanogo rozchynu / O.V. Kovalenko // Melіoracіya і vodne gospodarstvo.- 2015.- Vyp.102.- S.120–123
3. Kovalenko O.V. Vplyv kompleksnoyi organo-mіneralnoyi dobavky na vlastyvostі cementno-pіschanogo rozchynu / O.V. Kovalenko, A.O. Ageyev // Melіoracіya і vodne gospodarstvo.–2015.–Vyp.102.- S.128-130.
4. Vlyyanye redyspergyruemyh poroshkov na svoystva cementnyh stroytelnyh rastvorov / A.E. Zahezyn, T.N. Chernyh, B.Ya. Trofymov, L.Ya. Kramar // Stroytelnye materyaly.- №10.- 2004.- S.6-7.
How to Cite
Kovalenko, V. (2016). Modification of cement-sand matrixes with redispersible powder. Land Reclamation and Water Management, 103(1), 97 - 101. Retrieved from

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