Characteristics of drip irrigation regimes and productivity of sugar beet in the steppe zone of Ukraine

  • A. P. Shatkovsky Institute of water problems and land reclamation NAAS
Keywords: drip irrigation, water consumption, sugar beet, hybrids, yield, sugar content


It is presented in the article the results of the influence of plant’s density, hybrid content and terms of root crops harvesting on the parameters of the water regime and productivity of plants under drip irrigation in the Steppe of Ukraine. Determined that the best available term for harvesting of hybrids is 21 October under theseeding density equals to 111 thousand items/ha. This ensures minimal water consumption rate (62,9 m3/t) and the highest productivity at level of 107,3-110,7 t / ha with sugar content in roots 15,5-16,8 %.

Author Biography

A. P. Shatkovsky, Institute of water problems and land reclamation NAAS



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How to Cite
Shatkovsky, A. (2016). Characteristics of drip irrigation regimes and productivity of sugar beet in the steppe zone of Ukraine. Land Reclamation and Water Management, 103(1), 59 - 62. Retrieved from

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