Automation and optimization of fertilizer selection using the balance method
fertilizers, automation of selection, balance method, removal of nutrients by plants, optimal price
An approach to automating the selection of the cheapest set of fertilizers which application supplies needed amount of nutrients calculated using balance method according to nutrients removal from the soil done by the plants has been proposed. The approach has been implemented as a module of decision-support system in crop farming, which can advise farmers online
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2. M.V. Bueno-Delgado, J.M. Molina-Martínez, R. Correoso-Campillo, P. Pavón-Mariño Ecofert. 2016. An Android application for the optimization of fertilizer cost in fertigation // Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 121: 32—42.
3. Michael J Hartley. 1983. Econometric methods for agricultural supply under uncertainty: Fertilizer use and crop response. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 94: 575—601.
4. D. Pokrajac, Z. 2001. Obradovic Neural network-based software for fertilizer optimization in precision farming. International Joint Conference. 3: 2110 – 2115.
5. Ralf Seppelt, Alexey Voinov. 2002. Optimization methodology for land use patterns using spatially explicit landscape models. Ecological Modelling. 151: 125—142.
6. Lazer P.N., Mіheyev Ye.K. Іnstrumentarіy і tehnologіyi organіzacіyi іnformacіyi v zemlerobstvі. Navchalnyy posіbnyk/Dlya studentіv agronomіchnyh specіalnostey. – Herson: Vydavyctvo HDU. – 2006. –368 s.
7. Organіchna systema zemlerobstva v lіsostepu Ukrayiny. – K.:NUBІP, 2014. – 39 s.
How to Cite
Romashchenko, M., Matiash, T., Kovalchyk, V., Soroka, N., & Bohaienko, V. (2016). Automation and optimization of fertilizer selection using the balance method. Land Reclamation and Water Management, 104(2), 82 - 86. Retrieved from