Justification of design productivity on the drained lands as a basis of their market estimation value

  • S. V. Shalay National university of Water and Environmental Engineering
  • N. A. Frolenkova National university of Water and Environmental Engineering
  • N. S. Bondarchuk National university of Water and Environmental Engineering
  • A. M. Rokochinskiy National university of Water and Environmental Engineering
Keywords: justification, yield, drained land, market value


Scientific and methodical approaches to justification of design productivity of crops on the reclaimed lands with the regulated water mode on the basis of application of a complex of expected and imitating models are considered. It’s offered to estimate the market value of farmlands taking into account an indicator of the calculating design productivity displaying her achievement in the conditions of reclamation objects with bilateral regulation of the water mode.

Author Biographies

S. V. Shalay, National university of Water and Environmental Engineering


N. A. Frolenkova, National university of Water and Environmental Engineering


A. M. Rokochinskiy, National university of Water and Environmental Engineering



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How to Cite
Shalay, S., Frolenkova, N., Bondarchuk, N., & Rokochinskiy, A. (2016). Justification of design productivity on the drained lands as a basis of their market estimation value. Land Reclamation and Water Management, 104(2), 77 - 81. Retrieved from http://mivg.s-host.net/index.php/mivg/article/view/62

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