Quality of the surface water of the Tysa - Tur River basin

  • Y. Y. Bandurovych
  • A. V. Fandalyuk
  • E. I. Osiysky
  • M. P. Skobley
Keywords: якість води, басейн річки, поверхневі води, кисневий режим, нітрати, фосфати, важкі метали


The article presents the results of the analysis of water quality in the rivers of the Tisa - Tour basin for integrated environmental assessment, which includes physical and chemical elements of surface water quality, oxygen regime, pH, mass concentration of ammonium ions, nitrite and nitrate ions, total nitrogen, dissolved orthophosphates, total phosphorus and heavy metals (cadmium, lead, nickel). Based on the results of analytical hydrochemical studies and conducted assessments o f chemical quality elements in accordance with the Transnational Monitoring Network of the IPPCD, the best chemical state at the monitoring point is the Bohtar River, above village Novoselytsa (outflow). The least contaminated are the tributaries o f the Holt River, near the village Hizha and the Mlinovitsa River, above village Cherna, and the most polluted is the Veshtege River near the town Korolevo.

Author Biography

A. V. Fandalyuk



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How to Cite
Bandurovych, Y., Fandalyuk, A., Osiysky, E., & Skobley, M. (2016). Quality of the surface water of the Tysa - Tur River basin. Land Reclamation and Water Management, 104(2), 42 - 47. Retrieved from http://mivg.s-host.net/index.php/mivg/article/view/56

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