Research of the process of upward water filtration at the filters with floating multilayer media
water treatment plants, granular filters, floating filtering loading, ascending filtering, specific dirt content of the filter, duration of the filtracycle
The research results of the process of upward water filtration through the floating filter media of water treatment facilities are presented. It was determined the main parameters of multilayer floating filter media and filtration modes, which ensure the raising of efficiency of water purification process due to an increase in the specific dirt-holding capacity of the filter media and the duration of the filter cycle.
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6. Patent Ukrayiny na korysnu model №102063. Sposіb ochystky vody v systemah vodopostachannya / Petrochenko O.V. – Opubl. 12.10.2015, byul. №19.
7. Patent Ukrayiny na korysnu model №105189. Beregovyy vodozabіr / Petrochenko O.V. – Opubl. 10.03.2016, byul. №5.
8. DSTU 7525:2014 Voda pytna. Vymogy ta metody kontrolyuvannya yakostі. Zatverdzheno Mіnіsterstvom ekonomіchnogo rozvytku і torgіvlі Ukrayiny. Nakaz vіd 23 zhovtnya 2014 roku № 1257.
2. Ghurba M.G. Ochystka vody na zernystyh fyltrah / M.G. Ghurba. – Lvov: Vyscha shkola, 1980. – 200 s.
3. Koy-Ging. Filterability study on secondary effluent filtration / Koy-Ging. – Journal of the Sanitary Engineering Division. Proc. Amer. Soci. of Civ. Eng., 1972, v. v. 98, NSA 3.
4. Ghurba M.G. Penopolystyrolnye fyltry / M.G. Ghurba. – M.: Stroyyzdat, 1992. – 176 s.
5. Ghurba M.G. Vodoochystnye fyltry s plavayuschey zagruzkoy. Nauchnoe yzdanye / M.G. Ghurba. – M.: – 2001. – 536 s.
6. Patent Ukrayiny na korysnu model №102063. Sposіb ochystky vody v systemah vodopostachannya / Petrochenko O.V. – Opubl. 12.10.2015, byul. №19.
7. Patent Ukrayiny na korysnu model №105189. Beregovyy vodozabіr / Petrochenko O.V. – Opubl. 10.03.2016, byul. №5.
8. DSTU 7525:2014 Voda pytna. Vymogy ta metody kontrolyuvannya yakostі. Zatverdzheno Mіnіsterstvom ekonomіchnogo rozvytku і torgіvlі Ukrayiny. Nakaz vіd 23 zhovtnya 2014 roku № 1257.
How to Cite
Petrochenko, O. (2016). Research of the process of upward water filtration at the filters with floating multilayer media. Land Reclamation and Water Management, 104(2), 36 - 41. Retrieved from