The study of the influence of the contact filter with polystyrene filter loading on the concentration of residual aluminum during the purification of natural surface water

  • D. V. Charny Institute of water problems and land reclamation NAAS
  • E. M. Matselyuk Institute of water problems and land reclamation NAAS
  • M. Y. Kharchenko иробниче управління водопровідно-каналізаційного господарства Горішньоплавнівської міської ради (Полтавська обл.)
Keywords: Residual aluminum, contact filter, pre-filter, coagulation, dirt, filtration, filtering loading


Residual aluminium is one of the standard indicators of the quality of water treatment facilities. Due to a number of interrelated factors to keep its regulatory concentration in purified water is becoming increasingly difficult. Proposed solution simplifies this task. It is based on the reconstruction of existing facilities — flocculation chambers horizontal tanks in contact Filters — Prefilters. After the reconstruction of such structures can serve as the contact filters, coagulation in cramped conditions and prefilters for the detention of phytoplankton. Full-scale simulation of such a facility, using the use of filter media made of foamed polystyrene granules. The dependence of the concentration of residual aluminium on the filtration rate and the dirt holding capacity of such a combined structure were defined.

Author Biographies

D. V. Charny, Institute of water problems and land reclamation NAAS


E. M. Matselyuk, Institute of water problems and land reclamation NAAS



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How to Cite
Charny, D., Matselyuk, E., & Kharchenko, M. (2016). The study of the influence of the contact filter with polystyrene filter loading on the concentration of residual aluminum during the purification of natural surface water. Land Reclamation and Water Management, 104(2), 26 - 30. Retrieved from

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