Features of water exchange formation on reclaimed lands of Volyn Polissya under the impact of climatic and anthropogenic factors–reinforced concrete mixtures

  • О. О. Dyatel Institute of water problems and land reclamation NAAS
Keywords: water exchange, ecological state, hydrogeological-hydrological regime, groundwater levels, hydrodynamics, evapotranspiration


The article deals with the issues of influence of climatic and anthropogenic factors on the hydrogeological-hydrological regime and water exchange between surface and underground waters on the reclaimed lands of the Volyn Polissya.

The estimation of climatic and anthropogenic factors influence on the ecological state of the studied territory, including the possible influence on the hydrodynamics of ground and underground waters during the development of the Khotilslavsky building materials career, has been carried out.

Detailed analysis of those climatic features and anthropogenic factors, the impact of which is most likely and significant, arising from the analysis of the state of the environment in a given time interval. At the same time, the influence of anthropogenic factor can be estimated by the magnitude of the deviations of the main indicators from their backgrounds, initially reflecting the natural conditions of their formation.

Hydrogeological conditions and hydrological regime of the studied region were analyzed. A detailed analysis of the main meteorological factors and their impact on the ecological state of the studied territories, calculation of evaporation by different methods was given. The main characteristics of natural and climatic conditions were presented.

The main man-made factors that cause influence upon ecological state of the studied region are identified. One of the most powerful factors at present is the Khotilslav mining building quarry, located on the territory of the Republic of Belarus at a distance of 300 m from the border with Ukraine, which creates a serious potential environmental threat to the border geoecosystem of the Polissya zone.

The conditions of formation of lakes of Western Polissya are described, their level regime, power sources, water balance and water exchange are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the dynamics of the water level of the lake Svityaz for the period 1985-2016.

The actual influence on formation of water exchange as climatic and technogenic factors is established.


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How to Cite
DyatelО. (2017). Features of water exchange formation on reclaimed lands of Volyn Polissya under the impact of climatic and anthropogenic factors–reinforced concrete mixtures. Land Reclamation and Water Management, 106(2), 58 - 63. Retrieved from http://mivg.s-host.net/index.php/mivg/article/view/3

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