Improvement of the control over the ingulets river flashing on the basis of scenario modeling

  • R. Kovalenko Institute of water problems and land reclamation NAAS
Keywords: flushing control, pollution sources, ecological state, combined control system, feedback coupling, impulse method, scenario analysis


An improved system of flush control of the Ingulets river from the Karachuniv reservoir, in which the impulse method of water supply was applied. The pulsed method is proposed in the combined control system, which collectively takes into account the water flow from the Karachuniv reservoir (input data) and the measurement of the concentrations of pollutants at the point of water collection on the GNS of the Ingulets irrigation system (raw data) with the visualization of the pollution process and the dynamics of water resources in the upper and lower layers This allows for the modeling of various washing scenarios, assessing their effectiveness in terms of improving the Ingulets river, achieved by the quality of water for irrigation and the vast use of water resources.

For simulation, a two-layer difference model is used that describes the movement of water in the upper layer of the stream (where the motion occurs at a considerable rate) and the flow dynamics in the bottom layer (where the movement of the slowly varying flow occurs). At the same time, differences in equations take into account, to a certain extent, the processes of water balance and the processes of transfer and mixing of pollutants.

In order to adequately assess the situation, a model and an appropriate computer program that implements various scenarios of the environmental improvement of the Ingulets river, in particular the existing method and other variants of the methods of flushing, have been developed. The proposed scenario analysis allows us to choose flushing control systems that provide economically efficient water use and environmental improvement in Ingulets river .

The decision-making process is based on two-criterion optimization for Pareto with environmental and economic performance when using graphical analysis. Graphical analysis shows that the options for flushing differ both in the environmental criterion and in the economic indicator of the cost of water resources. The only option is determined by additional criteria, in particular on the basis of water quality constraints. The scenario III is proposed as the most effective for economic and environmental indicators. It provides washing of the Ingulets river without the release of very polluted water to the floodplain, provides an ecological indicative anion-chlorine (Cl-) within the limits of the normative values for sufficiently effective expenditures of the amount of water resources. Scenario III is implemented on the basis of a pulsed method with a combined control system for flushing Ingulets river and recommended in the system of flood control in the river Ingulets.


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How to Cite
Kovalenko, R. (2017). Improvement of the control over the ingulets river flashing on the basis of scenario modeling. Land Reclamation and Water Management, 106(2), 53 - 57. Retrieved from

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