Technical description of channels antifiltration facings of Nizhne-Dnistrovsekoy irrigation system and ways of its improvement

  • O. Y. Yuzyuk Institute of water problems and land reclamation NAAS
Keywords: irrigation system, channel, cladding, technical condition


After long-term operation of irrigation systems raises the question of assessing the technical condition and their recovery.Reviewed the technical condition of the channels on the example of the Nizhne-Dnestrovsekoy of irrigatory system, the characteristics and the evaluation results of anti-filtration lining.


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How to Cite
Yuzyuk, O. (2016). Technical description of channels antifiltration facings of Nizhne-Dnistrovsekoy irrigation system and ways of its improvement. Land Reclamation and Water Management, 103(1), 102 - 106. Retrieved from

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